Created by Performance Support Systems

Monday, February 28, 2011

What I'm Learning from the Proactivity Exercises

Proactivity Discoveries for Myself

In one of the ProStar Coach exercises I’ve completed for Proactivity – the personal strength I’m working on – the question stem was “When I’m faced with a situation that requires this (proactivity) of me, I feel…” and I had to list 10 ways I end up feeling when I’m forced into being proactive.

This exercise is called Self-Discovery and that’s exactly what it turned out to be.

I won’t list all 10 of the feelings here – this is a bit too public for that revelation! – but I will say I was amazed at what WAS revealed. Seeing the words in print and realizing what was really going on inside of me forced me to step back and think.

Here’s how this worked for me:

First of all, it’s not easy to list 10 feelings – you do dig deep. This took much more than 10 seconds and that surprised me.

Secondly, the exercise directed me to write out what I discovered about myself and that’s not always easy to describe even if no one else is going to see the words! (I could send this to my Coaching Network for feedback or additional comments, which in time I will do).

Finally, I committed to a Planned Action: “What I will do to improve my chances for success…” and that’s what I’m sticking to – the planned action. By reading the plans each day, I’m consciously applying my discoveries and consciously changing my behavior. The goal is for those behaviors to become unconscious and automatic.

To have the changes I want become automatic, will take repetition and after I’ve faced my shortcomings for several days running (!), I’ll invite my Coaching Network to provide some feedback - we should all see a difference and an improvement in my proactive tendencies!

The Fortune Cookie exercise in Proactivity caused me to reflect on this quote: Court the future you desire, or she will fall in love with someone else.

That seems to sum it up quite succinctly!

I’m not finished with Proactivity - I’m going back to the Energizer exercise because it requires completion of an Action Assignment that I’m working through.

The bottom line here is that for as long as I’ve been on my own, I’ve dodged this personal strength (ProStar calls personal strengths
behavior patterns that help us with the challenges of life and work) and now I’m facing it – personally and professionally. The ProStar exercises are getting me focused on just what I need to do, why I need to do it and what I can/should expect of myself.

More to come…

Let me ask you: are you open to thinking about personal and professional development from a new perspective? If you are intrigued, think about ProStar Coach – it’s enabling me to function as my own coach!

Monday, February 21, 2011

This week in my leadership tips blog, YouNeverStopLearning, I’ve talked about Coaching Performance and what a critical skill this is for managers.

To give you even more information, Coach the People You Care About is one of two free eBooks available on our Virtual Gym for Professional and Personal Growth page for ProStar Coach. This book describes how to use the FOUR power coaching skills.

The second free eBook is Strong for Leadership - 400 inspirational quotes with insights and encouragements for dealing with the daily challenges of leadership.

Use this link for both eBooks. You’ll be glad you did!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Have You Been to the Virtual Gym Yet?

“Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition - such as lifting weights - we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity.”

- Stephen Covey, author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Lots of people work out to build physical strength.

But what can you do to build personal strength?

If you’re the kind of person who wants to get stronger for the challenges of work and life – you’ve come to the right place.

ProStar Coach is a revolutionary online self-development service

Learn more here - because you deserve it!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Totally Unexpected Insights!

Here’s what I’m discovering about this system as I work on Personal Strengths and People Skills – not only am I learning the things that will improve the strength or skill – I’m ALSO learning WHY I have trouble with it!

Some of the exercises take you through a series of questions that you expect to be easy to answer, but if you dig, if you answer the question or statement stem as thoroughly as you’re advised to, amazing insights pop out!

This is not an understatement! As I mentioned, I’m working on Proactivity and when I respond to the Self-Discovery and Affirmation exercises, I’m realizing things about myself that I haven’t acknowledged before.

I’m saving each exercise to my ProStar Learning Archive AS WELL AS printing them out for daily reference.

Reviewing them regularly and concentrating on thinking and behaving differently is the only way I’m really going to ingrain the changes I want.

This is an unexpected, totally underestimated feature of this system! I like it!
I really encourage you to explore ProStar with the FREE 15-day trial - see if you find the same insights for yourself than I'm experiencing.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Patience Becomes Proactivity!

My work on Patience is paying off! I've committed to the behavioral changes I identified, am seeing improvements and will move on to ProActivity.

But the reason I so appreciate ProStarCoach is that leadership development programs can be a tremendous vehicle for introducing skills. But by themselves, they can't change a manager's behavior. That's because it takes much more than a one-time training course to ingrain new behavior. What's needed is a structured program of long-term follow-up that includes practice, feedback and coaching.

What if there were a web technology that delivered the follow-up virtual coaching your supervisors and managers need to acquire critical people skills and develop the personal strengths required to become stronger, more effective leaders?

There is! ProStarCoach is a unique online development program that delivers virtual coaching and reinforcement to ingrain the core skills people need to become stronger and more effective leaders.

ProStarCoach includes five breakthrough online services:

1. MicroFeedback and FeedForward

2. People Skills Videos

3. Personal Strength Exercises

4. Facilitated Focused Workouts

5. Coaching Network

...and MORE!

Want to know more? Find out what this unprecedented support system is like and how it can help your managers and high-potentials become your organization's leaders for tomorrow. Visit ProStarCoach here for more information and download the 15-day FREE trial now!

Please contact me personally by email ( or by phone at 888-762-9699 and I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about how ProStarCoach can help your organization build stronger leaders!

Check it out...

You really haven't seen anything like this before - sign up for the 15 day free trial and give yourself the chance to explore. Everyone of us has some characteristic we'd like to develop or improve and this is the way to do it!

And...the introductory pricing expires February 28, 2011.